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I tried, but I've failed: I've just got to say something about the odious Aung San Suu Ky's appearance at the International Court in the Hague late last year. I don't think she really believed that she would change world opinion when it came to the genocidal explusion of Muslims for the Northwest of Myanmar. She went there only to demonstrate to the Burmese people and so-called Military, which has a dismal record fighting the country's other national minorities, that she was standing up for them. She has never had any interest in human rights or democracy. The only right she challenged was the Military Dictatorship's decision to exclude her from power just because she was a girlie. If she had been a boy she could have smoothly, automaticallyperhaps even,  followed her pro-Japanese collaborationist military strongman father to national leadership. This family are quite some pieces of work. Considering the long line of murderers and sociopaths who have been honoured with a Nobel Prize, why anyone is suprised this woman is on the list beats me. 


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