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Divide and Conquer

There's a lot a talk of talk about systemic racism these days. It means different things to different people. And for many it means whatever they want it mean, depending on which axe they want to grind. I heard a Canadian lawyer blame the lack of non-white senior judges on systemic racism. When asked to he explain, he said few non-white kids came from families which had been in the legal profession for three generations. I'd venture that few working class kids of any skin colour get the  kind of hand up in the profession that three generations makes possible. Some well intentioned boob may decide to accelerate the promotion to the Bench  of non-white lawyers, failing to see the root of the problem is class rather than  based. In turn white working class kids might feel resentful at the career preference being shown to contemporaries based purely on skin tone. A person only has to look at the modern USA to see what what white working class resentment can lead to. Bosses  encouraging racism  has long been a way to split the working class.


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