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White Slavery

The anniversary of abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1832 has just been marked.  There were some present-day Canadian residents of Caribbean descent demanding compensation for what they say are the residual affects of their ancestors' enslavement. I even heard nonsensical claims that Canada was built on slavery. Yes, there was slavery, there were even Gaelic- speaking slaves. But, "Built on Slavery" , I don't think so. But it got me thinking of my ancestors and slavery. A whole branch of the family tree is made up of coal miners. In Scotland, colliers were kept in slavery for something like 200 years because so few people would do the job voluntarily. The last vestiges of their bondage were only removed around 1800 . That's only a generation and a half before the emancipation of the Caribbean slaves. Where do I get the compensation claim form from?


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