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I Give Up

I find myself listening more and more to a radio station here called My Radio 580AM. A lot  of  of the programming I can't understand because most of the content I hear is in languages originating from the Indian sub- continent; though I understand it broadcasts in several languages including Mandarin. The English language radio here in Canada, which I can clearly understand,  just makes my blood boil. It's either privately owned talk- radio with a heavy bias towards right wing propaganda, a sort of Voice of Corporate America, or the dismal publicly funded CBC. Barely a day goes by without some factual blunder.  When I was a newspaper reporter, the incompetence and stupidity of the majority of CBC "journalists" just meant one less competitor to worry about. When I worked for the government in Saskatchewan the same incompetence seemed like a menace to Democracy, in which a well informed electorate is crucial. Now a relentless stream of racially divisive drivel has been added to the CBC mix.  The final straw for me was a report that  while most ethnic Chinese in Canada believed they had been victims of racism at some point, more than 80% did not believe it was systemic or insitutionalised. The CBC's coverage of the poll results consisted of two Chinese Canadian supposed "community leaders" being given a platform to  berate the survey participants for their stupidity. The CBC's mission these days also seems to be the unquestioning validation of vocal minority groups who employee physical means to defy decisions taken by democratically elected bodies. Call me old fashioned but I remember when journalists questioned everything and everyone. Lucky for me that My Radio 580 offers an alternative to Canada's version of Fox News and publicly funded divisive racialised fascism. 


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