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Well, drumroll time. And not just to mark the first entry of 2021. No, it's time to announce the 2020 Book of the Year. You know,  I'm beginning to wonder if the final winner in any given year isn't often the last book to make it onto the short list. A bit like the person whose final decision or opinion is always what the last person they spoke to said. I hope not. I'd like to think that the main criteria remains "Wow,  I wish I was good enough to have written that one". I like to think you are getting a better deal out of Book Briefing than you get from most reviews. I'm not sucking up to publishers in the hope of a constant supply of free books or the chance of some publicity for myself with a pithy endorsement that they can use on the back cover of their latest paperback. Nor do I know enough writers to be worried about losing friends or contacts by expressing an honest appreciation or to get caught up in a "You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours" scenario. Nope, I tell you what I really think. Trust me, that's more than most book reviewers do. Oh, hit this link if you want to know the winner of the  2020 Book of the Year 


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