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Here's a story I heard when I worked in Campbeltown. I don't know if it's true but I hope it is. Just after the end of the First World War, a distinguished looking German checked into a hotel on Islay. Asked if he'd been there before, he replied "Yes, in 1916". Quizzed as to how this could be, the German explained that he had been a U-boat captain during the war. He claimed that he had brought his vessel into a remote bay on Islay to let his crew stretch their legs and nab some fresh mutton. While his crew enjoyed a night sleeping on the beach, the skipper hiked across the island and got a hotel room. Next morning on his return the sub resumed its patrol. The German's story was greeted with skepticism. But then the German gave them the name he'd registered under and the date. The hotel register for that date was checked and there was the name he gave. Good story, but maybe too neat to be true.


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